Month: March 2012


Ruling religion: What separation of church and state really means


Politicians seem to enjoy retracting one day what they felt so strongly the week before, as exemplified by Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum’s remarks on Feb. 26. He said that a famous 1960 speech by then-presidential candidate J.F. Kennedy about freedom of religion made him want to throw up. Santorum […]


Not so private: In the era of social media, your life is an open book


Your social media self projects much more than you may realize. In fact, that promiscuous bikini shot from your spring break spent in Florida or that anger-ridden status update about how unfair your professor is really isn’t that private at all. The Threefold Advocate argues there is no such thing […]


It’s time to wake up


Just yesterday I stumbled across a fascinating article on the BBC News website. It was after the Brit Music Awards and before the story of Nelson Mandella’s brief hospitalization. It talked about the science of sleep. It pointed out reference after reference in literature written before the 1900s to a […]