
Time to take initiative


There are an estimated 27 million modern day slaves in the world. That is more slaves than there have ever been in human history, according to notforsalecampaign.org. These slaves long to rebuild their lives and restore their dreams. But how can they do so?

As of today, there are several organizations reaching out to help end this slavery. At the University, there was a campaign to help end this slavery that involved people standing for 27 hours. They encouraged students to sign a petition in order to help raise awareness.

Yes, one can sign a petition, but how many people follow through with actions? We at the Threefold Advocate believe that abolishing slavery is important, and there are ways to help this cause. Free2work.org is a way to “learn how your favorite brands relate to trafficking and other labor abuses. Free2work provides consumers with information on forced and child labor for the brands and products they love.”

This is a great way to get educated on different brands to invest in – just one way you can get involved! There are also opportunities such as:

• Workshops to help educate the public in adjusting purchasing behaviors to ensure we do not buy products that compromised another person’s freedom (www.free2work.org)

• Faith-Based Activism Workshop, where attendees are encouraged to use their faith as a catalyst for action in setting the captives free (www.free2work.org)

• Several websites where one can donate money to help this cause, such as www.27million.com

• Volunteer jobs through www.notforsalecampaign.com

We believe that taking a stand against slavery is crucial in our world today. There are numerous resources that help people take initiative and get involved in order to abolish slavery. So, do your research, get involved and stand up for what is right.

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