
Fighting the war for the sidewalk


With weather permitting and the new JBU bike renting service, more and more students are resorting to wheels to get around campus.

Many students who walk as the main way of transportation on campus are bothered by the lack of etiquette from bikers, boarders and scooters.

Rebekah Hedges, sophomore communication major, doesn’t see the point in using scooters to get around campus.

“My first reaction when I see people riding scooters I think back to third grade when it was cool and okay,” said Hedges.

Most of the time, Hedges avoids using the sidewalks to save time.

“I consider the sidewalk free reign but common courtesy should be used,” said Hedges.

Courtney Padgett, freshman psychology major, believes that bicycles are forms of vehicles, and therefore, people have the right of way.

Padgett said that all people need to do is use a bike horn, shout in advance or just yield and go around people that are walking.

“People come up behind me all of the time and don’t warn me,” said Padgett. “The fact that [riders] would even need to shout shows that they think that they have the right of way and they don’t.”

Kathryn Kell, freshman youth and worship ministries major, believes that people need to take precautions while operating such vehicles.

The JBU student handbook states that the University welcomes students to ride bicycles, skateboards, skates or scooters for transportation. The handbook, also, urges students to use caution while riding these vehicles on sidewalks when other people are present.

“The right-of-way belongs to the pedestrian,” states the handbook on Page 36.

Padgett believes that most people haven’t read the rules about sidewalk etiquette in the handbook.

“I didn’t read the rules,” said Padgett.

By handbook regulation, students who are in violation of this policy may have these items confiscated.

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