Tag: coffee


You really “autumn” know about the best pumpkin spice latte


Each fall it seems like pumpkin spice takes over the market. From coffee, to pastries, to protein shakes everyone is trying to throw their product onto the pile. By far the most popular of these products is the pumpkin spice latte (PSL). People can be heard asking their local coffee shop if they have the drink even before fall officially starts. Because of this, shops often have their unique spin on the drink, so which one is the best? This ranking will walk readers through places to find a PSL in Siloam Springs, Arkansas and reveal which one is the best.


Brew me a cup: 7 Brew Coffee Welcomed to Siloam


The coffee industry is fast-growing, with around 2.25 billion cups of coffee consumed daily worldwide, and the average American spends roughly $2000 per year on coffee. Recently, however, the drive-through coffee industry has become increasingly popular, with 45% of people using drive-throughs to order coffee as of 2019, according to […]


Kopi Bubuk Flores and ancestral spirits


It doesn’t take one long to learn that Flores and the surrounding archipelago is a special realm.  Alien plant life, pink, black and white beaches, Komodo dragons, animistic mountain tribes and, of course, the stunning mountain ranges enshrouded in thundering mist.  But that’s not all there is in Flores—java!  Not […]