
#socality tags instagram


The Socality movement is becoming more prevalent in students’ Instagram feeds. It hopes to inspire connections, relationships and encouragement among the Instagram family.

So the question is where did the name ‘Socality’ come from. Social (SO) Community (C) all for (AL) eternity (ITY). The movement hopes to embed that focus into everything they do and to be an open community for all who wish to express the same notion.

“Socality to me, is people inspiring each other on Instagram,” said Hannah Garrett, junior. She joined the movement two weeks ago and has been inspired and driven by the gospel and God’s creation ever since.

Instagram was created in 2010, with the purpose to bring people together to share photos of their lives with each other, instantly.

Socality spun off of those ideas and brought the focus around the Gospel.

“I joined Socality because I really liked the idea of forming a community of believers that could encourage each other and share their faith over social media,” said freshman, Devon Schmidt. “I think it’s cool to see all of these different people, all over the world, coming together. Making friends is fun too.”

Socality’s mission is, “to connect and create influencers and equip them with the resources they need; whether in photography, film, worship or other creative platforms, in order to mobilize individuals to serve and impact their community and reach their greater potential in Christ,” stated it’s website.

Since joining this mission, Garrett and Schmidt have since changed their mindset to center around the Socality mission whenever they post photos and videos on Instagram.

“I wanted to connect with people who have the same interests as I do,” said sophomore, Jake Knight. His love for photography and joy for forming new relationships drove Knight to join the movement toward the end of December.

With the mission to bring people together, Knight, Garrett and Schmidt want to not only be encouraged through this movement, but to be able to pour out to others as well.

“I am Socality.” Members say these three words carry a heavy load and mindset for anyone who says them. Also, for them, by stating this, you are committing to be a part of a movement of Christ-followers and fellow Instagrammers whose sole purpose is to spread the Gospel.

Knight used to post mundane and pointless posts . “I wasn’t always like that on Instagram, I used to post stupid stuff like selfies,” said Knight.

Garrett hopes to gain more connections through the movement and encourage others through creative posts to keep their focus on the gospel.

“I am thankful that Instagram can be my creative outlet and the Socality community can inspire my creativity,” said Garrett.

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