
InterVarsity emphasizes the power of the gospel story


His friends in his fraternity used to call him “Satan,” but now York Moore serves as a National Evangelist for InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and converts people to Christianity because of what he calls “the power of the gospel.”

Moore, the guest speaker for Spiritual Renewal Week at John Brown University, shared with students on Wednesday, Jan. 30, that any Christian can lead others to Christ through our common knowledge about Jesus.

“Every day, normal Christians, with the power of the gospel…can actually share the good news and invite people to Jesus,” Moore said. “Every single one of us can do this. I believe one of the greatest joys as Christians is the opportunity to share this message with people who are far from Him.”

Moore invited Anna Li, a ministry intern with Intervarsity at the University of Arkansas, to share a tool called a Proxe Station, which is an interactive activity that Intervarsity hosts on college campuses across the nation.

This Proxe Station focused on being colorblind in our society and how God views this. With five boards at the front of the room, each with a different image on it, Li shared stories of how she shares the gospel with the people who walk through the station.

Li said students interact with the Proxe station by looking at the boards and placing stickers on it to answer specific questions. Four boards have questions on them such as, “Should we just be colorblind,” and “What is beautiful about your culture?”

Li said that as students share their answers with her, she provides her own perspective and continues the question-answer process until the last board. Then she said she tells those who are listening about how God, in his love and mercy, sent Jesus to make us right with God, “even though the world we live in is still broken.”

Students who attended the talk-back session on Wednesday heard every aspect of the Proxe Station. Priscilla Gonzales, sophomore biochemistry major, said that Li’s demonstration made her reflect on how her decisions are impacting God’s kingdom.

“The art exhibition…was very impressive and inspiring because it really showed that there are so many different ways to have God shine and share the gospel through you,” Gonzales said. “God can use any of our gifts in amazing ways, but we must work hard and trust him in the process.”

Moore said that one of the greatest joys for Christians is to share this message of God’s love to people who are far from God, even if we do not have a Proxe station in front of us.

“We’re separated from God because of our sin. Our sin, not only does it impact us, but it impacts our communities, it causes us to gravitate towards self-destructive behaviors, it brings out the worse in us. Ultimately it separates us from God,” Moore said. “But anyone who is not experiencing spiritual health, can have a relationship with God. Acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross, that he was raised again on the third day, and that he is the leader…I’ve witnessed thousands and thousands of people’s lives literally been transformed by [this] power of the Gospel.”

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