Profile: Meet JBU’s newest art professor, Eve Nam

Article by

Tai Urbina


The Visual Arts Department at John Brown University welcomes Assistant Professor Eve Nam Oh. Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, Oh knew from the beginning that she wanted a life dedicated to Christ and to become a true artist.

Oh was raised in a Christian family and started her art studies at the age of six years old.

“I just loved art, so from that age, I went to art kindergarten,” Oh said.

Oh attended an art academy from elementary to high school. In order to secure her place at Ewha Womans University, the most prestigious women’s university in South Korea, she dedicated herself to practicing art from 6 p.m. to 2 a.m. With her determination, she successfully achieved her goal and majored in Sculpture at Ewha.

Oh moved to Siloam Springs in 2003 right after marrying her husband, a JBU student about to start his MBA. She had two daughters and was able to earn her Master of Fine Arts degree in Collaborative Design at JBU. In 2018, she started teaching at JBU as an adjunct professor, with her first class being Watercolor Medium.

Eve’s teaching philosophy is strongly tied to her experience with art and God.

“I never planned to be a teacher,” Oh said.

She continued to explain her struggles with the pressure of being an artist. This situation led her to experiment with a great variety of art mediums.

“I did not plan this, but God led me here step by step and He used every experience and dark moment in my life with a purpose. Now I know that I tried different media in the art-related field because God prepared me to serve others as a teacher now,” Oh said.

As for her teaching philosophy, Eve believes in a balance between staying true to our creative minds and applying existing art principles. She reinforces freedom in her students by allowing them to develop their art style and problem-solving skills while also providing guidance and structure for them.

Oh never gave up being a good artist; she still submits her work to competitions when given the chance. She also has ongoing creative projects.

“I constantly paint and make sculptures. I am always thinking about what my next project will be when I have time,” Oh said.

Her expectations for this academic year at JBU include serving students and taking care of them as if they were her own children. Oh also wants to trust the Lord and express her desire to follow God’s will in everything she does in the future.

Posted by Tai Urbina

