John Brown University Breaks Ground with Introduction of Artificial Intelligence Major

Article by

Celeste Masis


On Feb. 19, the administration of John Brown University announced the introduction of a new major in Artificial Intelligence within its Computer Science Department, making it the first Christian institution in the United States to offer such major.

Though the department previously offered a minor in Artificial Intelligence, the major is intended to offer more specialized classes in AI and machine learning while still relying on a strong computer science foundation.

Department chair and Professor of Computer Science Justus Selwyn recognized the significance of an AI major in a constantly evolving job market: “Artificial intelligence is everywhere. ChatGPT, Grammarly, Facebook, YouTube, all these applications are based on AI. AI is developing so fast that any industry can incorporate it.”

By gaining skills in such a rapidly evolving area, students can have an edge when looking for future career prospects, as Selwyn continues elaborating “Students will not only graduate with a computer science degree, but they will have hands-on experience with AI so that recruiters will see the value in student’s degrees and resumes.”

Some have commented on AI’s moral ambiguity, stating that this technology can give way to academic dishonesty and even permit plagiarism of other people’s work in some situations. However, JBU, being an institution shaped by Christian values, has taken this into account while developing the major’s curriculum. To learn how to build ethically sound AI systems, students majoring in artificial intelligence must complete a course in Christian ethics.

JBU alumnus Dylan Hawkins, who graduated in 2023 with a degree in computer science, expressed his enthusiasm towards JBU’s announcement of the new major. “I am really excited to see John Brown University diving into the world of AI with a new and designated area of study. AI has been revolutionizing the abilities that software has previously held, helping us achieve things that otherwise would not be possible. John Brown’s dedication to getting students ahead of the curve by teaching about this innovative piece of technology will surely set them up for success in their careers down the road.”

Astrid Gutiérrez, another CS alumnus from the same graduating class, shared a similar excitement toward JBU’s future. “As one of the first graduating classes of the Computer Science Major, I am amazed by the advancements of the Engineering department and their expansion to the field of Artificial Intelligence. As a CS student, I had the opportunity to explore various applications within this field and could apply them to several real-life projects. I am confident that future students pursuing the AI degree will similarly benefit from the hands-on application of what they learn in the classroom to create a major impact in their communities.”

Photo courtesy of Steve Johnson from Unsplash

Posted by Celeste Masis

Celeste is a student at John Brown University.

