Author: Daria Zellmer

News, Uncategorized

Many American communities lack Internet access


Digital redlining is the “connectivity divide” between some communities in the United States, according to AFRO, an African-American publication. The practice affects many rural, poor and non-Caucasian communities, according to AFRO, putting 20 percent of Americans behind 20 years technologically. Trisha Posey, professor of history said, “Redlining was a practice […]


Vote your conscience


There is always a risk that accompanies having ideologies that differ from that of the majority; you are undoubtedly susceptible to being marginalized. Of course, this only occurs when enough of the majority expresses their discontent with those of the minority. While America has made significant progress in the areas […]

News, Uncategorized

Survey changes, shows three trends


The results of this fall’s Student Relationship Assessment shows three major trends: a decrease in S cripture reading, increase in acceptance of cultural diversity and decrease in emotional self-control. “This incoming class of students is reporting less time spent studying the Bible,” Derek Gwinn, director of relationship education, said. Students […]

News, Uncategorized

First dorm senator elected to SGA


This fall John Brown University students elected their first dorm senators to the Student Government Association. The Student Government Association is the students’ voice to the administration and faculty. Leanna Ngo, Student Government Association President, said this created six new positions. She said in the past the Resident Hall Associations, […]