Author: Daria Zellmer

Opinion, Sports

Culture shapes athlete’s sport experience


My home community of Philadelphia is a blue-collar city full of resilient people who value family and loyalty. The sport of preference is basketball. However, this is not basketball played on hardwood floors and in air-conditioned gyms. It is basketball that originates and manifests itself on the blacktop in every […]


Panel discusses faith and elections


Oversized red, white and blue balloons and matching tablecloths decked Simmons Great Hall as students, faculty and staff gathered to discuss the interaction between faith and politics on Tuesday evening. More than 150 students attended the discussion and panel, hosted by John Brown University’s Residence Life and Honors Scholars Program. […]


University partners with Korean college


An agreement signed between John Brown University and Handong Global University on Feb. 26 promised an exchange of students, faculty, research and “special short-term academic programs.” Handong University is located in Pohang, South Korea. The program has partnerships with universities all over the world, including institutions such as Biola University […]