Author: Daria Zellmer


Psychologist explains technology’s effect


A Google search for ‘college students and stress,’ gets about 161 million results, equal to roughly half the population of the United States. Professors warn incoming freshmen not to get overwhelmed in their first semester, and resources and advice on how to relieve stress and protect mental health are abundant. […]


Lent Event informs students on church traditions


The Student Ministry Leadership Team hosted the ‘Lent Event’ this Monday to better inform students on the spiritual importance of the liturgical year. The event featured Robbie Castleman, professor of biblical studies, as the keynote speaker. Castleman explained not only the importance of Lent, but of the entire liturgical year. […]


Ultimate Frisbee seeks success in spring season


Ultimate Frisbee teams Ironfist and Savage Skies are working hard to prepare themselves for their next big step: Nationals. Both teams have been training in preparation for the tournaments they will have during the semester. D-line handle Jacob Hash said that Ironfist has practiced nonstop since last semester. “We practice […]