Author: Daria Zellmer


Students prepare Christmas gifts for children


John Brown University is hosting its annual packing party for Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child on Nov. 7. Samaritan’s Purse says on their website that Operation Christmas Child is “the world’s largest Christmas project of its kind.” Through this project, people pack shoeboxes full of gifts for children, which are […]


Perspective changes on death penalty


I have always been unclear on my position on the death penalty. Sometimes I support it, other times I disagree with it. However, last Friday my opinion of the death penalty completely changed. I attended a conference with staff members of The Threefold Advocate in Austin, Texas. We attended workshops and went to keynotes put on by different speakers. The keynote […]


Students need to step up support for sports


Friday Night Lights. I don’t miss much about high school other than these three words. To some, Friday Night Lights is just a television show; to others, it just indicates the ridiculous obsession the South has with high school football. I miss the community that football games brought to our school and town. Although at John Brown we have basketball and soccer […]


Stop being so polite: It is OK to disagree


Are we too polite? As a community we are all too prone to setting our own opinions and ideas aside for the sake of coddling the feelings of our colleagues and friends, especially in a southern, Christian university. We have too much politeness going on in our university and that is not a good thing, because too much of anything is […]


Busyness is an addiction


As a freshman, I was told to enroll in 16 credits, sign up for a growth group, volunteer, be an active member of my hall and hold a job. Before that, during orientation week, we were required to stay busy. We were shuttled around to church and community projects, events and meals and more events. We had to stay busy, […]


Hide your kids for the Day of La Llorona


Long ago, there was a beautiful girl named Laura. She was considered the most beautiful girl in her village. With age, Laura became more beautiful and her grew. She thought she was better than everyone else and that there was no man good enough for her. Laura’s dream was to marry the most handsome man in the village. […]


Mexico survives hit, 6 casualities total


Hurricane Patricia made landfall in the Mexican Pacific coast on Friday night, Oct. 23, primarily affecting the state of Jalisco. Despite being the strongest landfilling Pacific hurricane on record, it left comparatively little damage. Patricia was a category five hurricane, which is the strongest category in the Saffir– Simpson Hurricane Wind […]