

Alumni return to showcase mixed media art


The newest exhibit in the art gallery features seven graduates from John Brown University’s Visual Art Department. This exhibit opened Oct. 2, titled “JBU Alumni Invitational Exhibit.” The artists included in the exhibit are Kyle Armstrong, Kyle Blair, Jason Flack, John Springs, Natalie K. Nelson, Jeremy Grant and John Holcomb. The artists have all recently graduated from the University. Charles Peer, University art gallery Director, said, “This group […]


Senior launches film production


Digital cinema major incorporates fine art As senior year approaches for some students, end-of-the-year projects go from idea to reality. Those majoring in art present their four-year portfolios, business majors give their final presentations and education majors go into schools for student teaching. This is the time when students’ hard […]


Ups and Downs


Internships prepare students for the real world Most universities require an internship to fulfill major requirements; John Brown University is no exception. Even if the curriculum does not require one, most professors strongly encourage students to apply for at least one. An internship provides a valuable understanding about the major […]


Professor exudes enthusiasm on campus


Randy Hollingsworth walked into his public speaking class one day wearing two different shoes: a tennis shoe and a dress shoe. His purpose for his mismatched shoes was to symbolically represent his professional side (the dress shoe) and his personal side (the sneaker) as he taught class. Hollingsworth, who earned […]


Professor transitions from Florida to Arkansas


The Donald G. Soderquist College of Business at John Brown University recently gained a new undergraduate department head. Ryan Ladner recently received his doctorate from George Fox University, and defended his dissertation this past June. Ladner has lived in several places across the United States including Tennessee, Florida and now […]