

March of the DREAMers


LITTLE ROCK, Ark. In a move considered controversial by Democrats and Republicans alike, President Donald Trump called to end the Consideration for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA. The program, established through executive order by President Barack Obama, allowed both deferred action and its renewal for undocumented immigrants in […]


Opioid use fuels further addiction


Opioid addiction in the United States has claimed thousands of lives. According to American Society of Prescription Medicine, in 2015, there were over 52,000 recorded deaths from opioid overdose. Four out of five current heroin addictions started with prescription painkillers. Opioids have proven themselves to be a huge problem across […]


Sex trafficking allegations


A woman contacted the Siloam Springs Police Department following an Aug. 5 incident with alleged sex traffickers at the Bob Henry Park in Siloam Springs. According to an article release by 5 News, the Siloam Springs Police Department requested the woman contact a detective in the criminal investigation division to […]


TSA increases security measures


Some travelers have questioned the effectiveness of new Transportation Security Agency regulations. In an attempt to make air travel safer the Transportation Security Administration increased security regulations,as the war on terror and threats from extremist groups such as ISIS continue. TSA officers previously had five options for pat-downs, with varying […]