

Ford invests in self-driving cars, ethics debated


Automotive magnate Ford Motor Company took a billion-dollar risk on a self-driving car startup. Ford hopes this new company, which specializes in artificial intelligence, machine learning and computer vision, will produce the hardware and software necessary to outfit Ford vehicles with self-driving technology by 2021. This is one more step […]


JBU hosts video game tournament


Tension settles on a nearly quiet stadium. The clock shows the remaining time in a match between two teams of professionals. With keyboards clacking, computer mice clicking in measured and deliberate time and the monosyllabic communication between team members, the typical atmosphere of an eSports tournament quickens the blood of […]


Arkansas requires citizenship test


Arkansas recently joined several other states in requiring graduating high schoolers to pass citizenship tests. New laws require all high-schoolers in Arkansas to pass the same test as immigrants seeking citizenship. At least fifteen other states require high school students to pass the civics section of the naturalization exam for […]


Georgia legislature rethinks assault


According to current state and federal laws, university students decide whether to report sexual misdemeanors to their administration or to the police or both. Students don’t have to report if they so choose.  Republican Sponsor Representative Earl Ehrhart proposed a bill, HB-51, that will alter universities’ approach to cases of […]


NWA praised as refugee home


President Trump’s Executive Order 13769, meant to prevent terrorist entry into the United States, halted all Syrian refugee movement for 120 days effective Jan. 27. The executive order affects all refugees currently in the process of entering into the United States through the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program (USRAP). Forty lawsuits […]


Pornography declared a health crisis


  Utah recently declared pornography a health crisis and a resolution that deals with the problem at a societal level. South Carolina is considering a similar proposition. The resolution will use “education, prevention, research, law enforcement and policy change at the community and societal level,” according to ABC news. The […]


Study finds vaccination benefits outweigh risks


Many Americans continue to support required vaccines despite possible risks, according to a new study by Pew Research Center. After extensive research, Pew reported that “[Parents] see high preventive health benefits of such vaccines, and low risk of side effects, and they consider the benefits of the vaccine to outweigh […]


Conway endorsement results in investigation


Kellyanne Conway, senior adviser to President Trump, recently appeared on Fox and Friends and told the American public to buy Ivanka Trump’s products. Her comments on the president’s daughter’s business pose an ethical concern. Walter M. Shaub Jr., Office of Government Ethics director, recommended an investigation and possible disciplinary action […]