

Experts claim social media aided race dialogue


A recent study by the Pew Research Center states that social media is being used as a platform for discussion on race and racial inequality. Social media has been credited by some with “propelling racially focused issues to greater national attention,” according to the Pew Research Center. John Brown University […]


Alumni reflect on bombing


Ahmad Khan Rahami, an Afghani native and American citizen, has been charged with attempted murder for the bomb that detonated on September 17, 2016, in Chelsea, a Manhattan, New York, neighborhood. The bomb injured 29 people, damaged property and caused evacuation from surrounding buildings. The explosion occurred from inside a […]


Students document pipeline protest


Three John Brown University students traveled to North Dakota to photograph, interview and interact with the Native American protestors of the Dakota Access Pipeline.  “It was refreshing to be in a community where people genuinely respect their roots and their traditions and have a sense of community beyond themselves,” Joshua […]


Midnight Musings: Where the news is fresh and the coffee is decaf


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump made a surprise visit to John Brown University’s campus, and the business magnate had some suggestions to make.  “We need to build a fence around the Dogwood Trail until we can figure out what the hell is going on the Doug the Deer”, insisted Trump. […]

News, Uncategorized

Many American communities lack Internet access


Digital redlining is the “connectivity divide” between some communities in the United States, according to AFRO, an African-American publication. The practice affects many rural, poor and non-Caucasian communities, according to AFRO, putting 20 percent of Americans behind 20 years technologically. Trisha Posey, professor of history said, “Redlining was a practice […]