

Walker residents prepare for Christmas tradition


Walker Wonderland, a well-loved tradition at John Brown University, lasts only a few hours, but planning and preparing for the event starts months before. “We started talking about Walker Wonderland beginning at staff training in August. Halls have been getting their ideas together for the past month or so,” Haley […]


Study finds Islam to be the fastest growing religion


Many Americans object to allowing more Muslim refugees from Syria and other countries into the U.S. on the grounds that the decision could ultimately lead to a drastic rise in the country’s Muslim population. Research shows that these concerns may be legitimate. Studies conducted by Pew Research Center show Muslims […]


Media influences homosexuality acceptance


Christian groups are increasingly more accepting of homosexuality, researchers find. This correlates with an increase over time in media portrayals of gay characters. A new PEW study of 23,000 U.S. adults found that “acceptance of homosexuality is growing rapidly even among religious groups that have traditionally been strongly opposed to […]


Students rebuke governors’ plan


At least 31 state governors seek to prevent Syrian refugees from settling in their states, according to national news reports. The governors reacted to Friday’s attacks in Paris by issuing executive orders and sending requests to federal officials, including President Obama, to deny resettlement of refugees within their states. House […]