

Artists express creativity at Giving Voice


The annual Giving Voice Festival of the Arts took place Thursday and Friday, hosting four writers and a variety of events celebrating creative expression through faith. The festival began with a special chapel featuring novelist Tom Maltman and singer, songwriter and novelist Andrew Peterson. Maltman spoke in chapel on Thursday […]


Where the John Brown cash flows


Despite John Brown University’s fundraising and cost control efforts, tuition has increased an average of 4.69 percent in the last five years. University President Charles Pollard has heard in meetings with parents and students that both cost control and quality enhancement are important. “Sometimes those two things are diametrically opposed,” […]


Grad school opportunities come to campus


Whether set on Harvard Law or simply contemplating the possibility of graduate school, a slew of events offered this week at John Brown University will help inform and connect students. Chris Confer, director of the Career Development Center, recommended sophomores and juniors especially take advantage of the Graduate School Fair […]


Looking toward the future: JBU’s five-year plan


Strategic planning has begun for John Brown University’s 2015-2020 school years. Strategic planning is a strategy to pin down long-term goals of the University and to judge progress on previously set goals. This is the second official strategic plan while Chip Pollard has been president of the University. Strategic plans […]


JBU students recount destruction of Colorado floods


After almost two weeks marked by catastrophic floods, residents of Colorado are now able to start the recovery process. According to The Denver Post, almost 6,000 Colorado families fled for safety from flooding and landslides that destroyed an estimated 1,900 homes. reported that officials had confirmed the number of […]


University Street bridge project nears completion


The bridge to nowhere is soon to be the bridge to somewhere once again. According to Randy Atkinson, Siloam Springs’ public services director, the University Street bridge will be completed by the middle of October. Construction on the University Bridge, in downtown Siloam Springs, began July 1, 2012. The previous […]


The world of university finances explained, Part One


With the latest unemployment numbers still hanging above seven percent and the economic outlook of the country uncertain, college is one of the biggest and most influential investments for any high school graduate. Even after understanding the benefits of a bachelor’s degree and all that John Brown University has to […]