

University recognized regionally for sustainability


The Northwest Arkansas Business Journal named John Brown University the “Greenest Office” in their 2012 sustainability issue. The article highlights the University’s status as the first zero-landfill campus in Arkansas. Steve Brankle, director of facilities and sustainability, was dubbed CSO, Chief Sustainability Officer, by the journal. Though Brankle found the […]


Professor shares Native American art in Little Rock


A decade ago, a collector’s interest inspired Bobby Martin, associate professor of visual arts, to return to the art form he loved. Now Martin is curating that very collector’s art in an exhibition dedicated to his favorite technique: printmaking. “Indian Ink: Native Printmakers in the J.W. Wiggins Collection” opened Oct. […]


Post office clerk explains policies


Say goodbye to the Facebook notifications and hello to handwritten letters and care packages. With the holidays right around the corner, many are getting a head start when it comes to mailing their holiday correspondence. However, if you lack know-how consider looking over these steps to guarantee success according to […]


Old made new: Visual art department purchases 19th century letterpress


One of the newest additions to the visual art department might also be one of the oldest pieces of technology on campus. This past month the department purchased a letterpress and large cabinet of type for Windgate Visual Arts East. The Chandler & Price letterpress originated between the 1880s and […]


University board members prepare for future


During the John Brown University Board of Trustees meetings Oct. 4-5, members received updates about the University. Ed Ericson, vice president of academic affairs, said the board meetings “lacked substantive action” because of President Chip Pollard’s sabbatical absence. The board has two main purposes, Ericson added. The first is to […]


Film advocates for the poor


More than 11 million young children in America live in poverty, according to a new documentary entitled “The Line.” The film is designed to bring awareness to the problem of poverty in America. Student Development held a showing on Thursday, Oct. 23. The documentary was created by Sojourners, a Christian […]


Chapel speaker explains bond between couple


The Cathedral of the Ozarks again flooded with chattering students Thursday morning to hear Sharon May wrap up the Center for Relationship Enrichment’s Relationships week chapel services. May built on Tuesday’s discussion of how humans are created for relationships and have a built-in desire to be connected, to care for […]