

The Effects of a Third Generation Immigrant in America


The United States was founded by a collection of immigrants who desired freedom, exploration and salvation in newly discovered lands yet to be explored. From the Native Americans who crossed Beringia–the land bridge between Siberia to present-day Alaska 30,000 years ago–to the millions of immigrants throughout Europe, Asia, Africa or […]


Dealing During COVID


“Stealing a moment to experience forbidden goods Knowing that you’re doing something you shouldn’t Glancing furtively around to make sure nobody sees As you absorb the chemicals, unsatisfying, knowing it’s more you’ll need You walk away guilty of the high you’ve just experienced Already planning when you’ll get your next […]


Love Activates Action


The words “diversity” and “community” are undoubtedly overused on this campus. Sometimes they describe truly beautiful and cooperative spaces that exist at John Brown University. Other times the words ring superficial and empty in the ears of those relegated to the sidelines. The diversity of our student body is beautiful […]