

Pining for a pinner


Gentlemen, think about all the women in the world there are to choose from. We ladies proudly represent a wide variety for you to pick through when it comes to picking out “The One.” The cheerleader, the goth, the musician, the intellect, the homemaker, the butcher, the baker, the candlestick […]


The perks of being an MK


Have you ever considered the great advantage you have as an MK? You have a very unique legacy. Those “You know you’re an MK when…” lists are fabulous indicators of this. You see, we MKs have been just about everywhere and seen just about everything. This is a gross exaggeration, […]


Put your trust in the inbox


If you live on campus, then this is a recurrent scene: you walk by the dorms common area or the “Mayfield bench” and you see the couples. Ring-by-spring, gotta-get-a-Christian-wife-or-parents-will-kill-me; call it what you will, it can be seen everywhere on campus. I do not want to talk about the dating […]