JBU Students Roll Into Fun at Late Skate TV-Themed Night

Article by

Neskarly Marin

On Sept. 13, the Student Events Association from John Brown University hosted Late Skate at Roller City in Springdale, Arkansas.

From 10 p.m. to midnight, students laced up their skates and rolled into the weekend dressed as their favorite TV icons, creating a night full of skating, costumes and memories.

Roller City was transformed into a vibrant scene, with students skating to a mix of TV theme songs and popular hits while dressed as characters from shows like Friends, Stranger Things and Breaking Bad. The event, designed to offer students a break from their daily routines, encouraged creativity and community-building, as participants embraced their favorite television personalities.

“It’s a great place to hang out with friends, laugh and have fun with everyone’s costumes,” Senior Valeria Amaya said. "It's a fun way to step outside of daily life and finish the week on a high note.”

She appreciated the energy of the event, noting how the combination of lights, music and costumes truly brought the TV characters to life.

For only $1, SEA provided free skate rentals, making the event affordable and accessible to all students. The rink was filled with laughter as students tried their best to skate, capturing group photos and recording funny videos as they enjoyed the music. Students proudly showcased their costumes while dancing and skating around the rink.

"Thanks to Roller City in Springdale, we were able to put together a stage for all your favorite TV icons to come together. And come together they did! A ton of JBU students came dressed to the nines, cultivating community and making amazing memories with their friends. It was such a joy to see the many Kim Possibles, The Office workers, Scooby gangs and other famous faces” said SEA's Student Director Aidan Stinson.

This year’s event featured new elements, including a group photo on the rink and a photo booth with Polaroid pictures for attendees, adding an extra fun touch to the experience.

Stinson also shared how he feels about planning these type of evets along the SEA team, “ Our greatest reward is sitting back and letting you all take the reigns by laughing, skating, singing, dancing and just living large. Thank you to everyone who came to Late Skate! We hope to provide a welcoming space dedicated to spreading the love of Jesus to all who enter.”

The night may have lasted only two hours, but the memories made will certainly stick with the students. With the positive response to this year’s Late Skate, SEA hopes to continue the tradition, bringing more themed skate nights to the campus in the future.

Photo courtesy of Ruby Winn

Posted by Neskarly Marin

