Tag: Ultra-processed foods


The 21st century diet: A choice, or a condition?


In my biology class, we have finally reached the “nutrition” unit. Like a pastor unto his pulpit, my professor stands at the front of the laboratory, preaching to us poor pagans trapped in the culture of obesity about the saving grace of healthy eating. We are enslaved to the sin of processed foods, wasting away through our carbs and sugars. But the newfound knowledge of the human body has now provided us with the choice to leave the chains of our unhealthy eating habits for the life-giving qualities of raw food, which will allow our cells to function at their fullest capacity and enable us to change our lives for the better. Without fail, my professor has painted the picture of eating habits as a dualistic choice: to eat processed foods or unprocessed. However, as a college student with a meal plan and limited money to spend on her own, I couldn’t help but wonder whether the choice was really so black and white.