Author: Threefold Advocate


Ole Miss removes flag


The University of Mississippi (Ole Miss) removed the state flag from across campus in early October, and declared that the university did not support any form of racism, discrimination or hate. Mississippi readopted the Confederate flag within their state flag’s design in 2001, keeping the original that was flown in 1894. Ole Miss […]


Recent stabbings in Old City


Israel should not ban Palestinians Israelis and the Palestinians have been in conflict for decades. There have been multiple developments in recent weeks. According to USA Today, there have been several outbursts of violence near Jerusalem’s Old City, a sacred place revered by Jews and Muslims. In response to this problem, Israel banned […]


Credit card technology changes


Learn about the new EMV chips The deadline for credit card companies to switch over to the EMV chips was Oct. 1. The chip has stronger protection because “Unlike magnetic-stripe cards, every time an EMV card is used for payment, the card chip creates a unique transaction code that cannot be used again,” according […]


Pay attention to elections


Watch the primary debates Believe it or not, the current Republican Party debates are actually important. Right now, you might be thinking, “Um, yeah, I know, the debates narrow down the field.” But I’m not talking about how they narrow down the field or that they evaluate how skilled candidates are at throwing sticks […]


Egotism kills service


Be less self-focused, make a difference College students have most of their days planned out. With upcoming projects, tests and hours of reading, their time is scheduled so that they can be productive every day. This is an excellent method to succeed academically, but it can sometimes hurt relationships and limit new friendships. […]