Author: Daria Zellmer


Budgeting studies abroad


Whether a student wants to visit ancient ruins in Italy or climb up grassy knolls in Ireland, John Brown University’s International Department can set students up with exciting study abroad opportunities. Many college students have international travel destinations in mind — places relevant to their field of study, or simply […]


“Is He Dead?” dresses to impress


The upcoming student production of Mark Twain’s “Is He Dead?” is predicted to have the audience dying – of laughter. Frankie Davidson, sophomore English major who plays Papa Leroux, has acted in five John Brown University productions and expressed excitement about working with this cast. “There is a huge collection […]


#Twitterpated over @POTUS shift


On the day of the inauguration, the presidency itself wasn’t the only changeover between Former President Barack Obama and now-President Donald Trump. Along with executive powers over the United States, the @POTUS Twitter handle was given to President Donald Trump. Former President Barack Obama’s account and all of his tweets […]