Author: Daria Zellmer


Competitor emerges, price of EpiPen increases


The recent dramatic price increases for EpiPens – up from $100 to $600 market price in the past three months – sparked outrage among EpiPen users, House representatives and even politicians like Hillary Clinton. EpiPen manufacturing company Mylan recently cornered the market on FDA-approved epinephrine injectors, allowing for the price […]


Dissenting Views Arouse Conversation after Petition


Students and alumni voiced their concerns about the participation of Former Governor Mike Huckabee at John Brown University’s chapel service. The group signed an online petition and will participate in a peaceful demonstration in attempts to raise awareness and start a conversation about their concerns regarding Huckabee’s civil Christian leadership. […]


Letter to the editor: Huckabee seeks to ‘engage in healthy and open dialogue’


Dear Editor: I was sent a copy of the letter by a group of former and current students objecting to my scheduled appearance at John Brown University on Thursday, February 2.  I appreciate the courage of the students who signed the letter and welcome their criticism and condemnation of me […]


Letter to the editor: ‘Show better discernment’ regarding chapel speaker


President Pollard: make a stand for mercy and call out injustice We are writing to express our extreme disapproval over the selection of former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee to address the student body of John Brown University in chapel on February 2. It is critical that the Evangelical community strongly […]