Author: Daria Zellmer


Women’s rugby tackles stereotypes


The Student Government Association has officially approved the Women’s Rugby club. After receiving the good news, the club held practice last Thursday, continuing in their rhythm of hard work and dedication towards their newfound passion. “We can’t say enough about the coaches…about the community and how much we love rugby,” Madison Pfrimmer, who plays flank, said. “I want other people to feel this […]


Poverty plagues Arkansas children


Arkansas is currently facing two major problems: poverty and hunger. For many families, jobs are not enough to keep either of them away. Families are struggling to afford essentials like safe housing, food and transportation, according to a press release by Arkansas Advocates, entitled “Poverty line wages in Arkansas don’t cut it.” More than 200,000 Arkansas children are living in poverty, according to Arkansas Advocates. That is almost 30 […]


Student responds to pain and suffering through art


There she was, a typical white girl with her tall white mocha latte sitting in Starbucks at the break of dawn reading. Her nails were just as flawless as her makeup, so perfect yet so intimidating. She flipped through every page so finely and delicately. That was her appearance, but inside she was frightened of her future. Many of us have […]


Commit to passion, serve where you see fit


It happens all the time. Think about a time when you asked a friend to do something that they really did not want to do. Say, for example, that you were heading to a poetry reading and your friend is an engineer. “Hey,” you’d say, “You wanna come listen to Dorianne Laux with me?” First, they don’t. Second, it is […]


Student defends funds for Planned Parenthood


Planned Parenthood is looking at losing its government funding under allegations that they’re selling fetal organs and tissue for profit. A video released by The Center for Medical Progress featured an undercover businessman attempting to purchase fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood executives. This 12 minute video, edited down from about three hours worth of footage, indicted Planned Parenthood of illegally selling fetal tissue. The issue became so […]


Saudi Arabia leads UN human rights panel: Nation’s history of rights violations causes controversy


Saudi Arabia, a nation with numerous human rights offenses, was recently named the chair of the United Nations human rights council. After a U.N. watchdog organization disclosed this, many people reacted negatively. “Somebody at the U.N. has their head up their rear if they are willing to appoint the Saudi envoy to the U.N. to head up anything to do with human rights,” David […]


New eagles build strong team


Some people might see coaching a sports team with over two-thirds being new players as an obstacle. Jason Beschta is not one of these people. Beschta, John Brown University’s men’s basketball coach, has a team of 14 with 10 new members. But in spite of the remodeled roster, he is optimistic in preparing for the new season. “It’s something we can view as […]