Author: Daria Zellmer


Opportunity for growth


Have you ever wondered what ever happened to growth groups? If you are unfamiliar with this term, growth groups are groups of underclassmen who are mentored by upperclassmen, typically in a Bible study setting. Growth groups are sponsored by the Student Ministries and Leadership Team (SMLT) and are designed to help students grow in their relationship with God and each other through a book study. […]


Professor transitions from Florida to Arkansas


The Donald G. Soderquist College of Business at John Brown University recently gained a new undergraduate department head. Ryan Ladner recently received his doctorate from George Fox University, and defended his dissertation this past June. Ladner has lived in several places across the United States including Tennessee, Florida and now […]


Concert highlights value in secular music


John Brown University student development hosted the annual welcome back concert on Aug. 29. They chose a secular band to perform on campus. Performing this year was Penny and Sparrow, a two-man folk band with musicians, Kyle Jahnke and Andy Baxter, from Texas. Coordinator of Student Activities, Maria Lehr, does not take the task of hiring bands lightly. Lehr said she usually finds bands […]


America divided over Confederate flag


After the shooting at the historically African-American church, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal, in Charleston, S.C., America started to reconsider how it should view the Confederate flag. According to Google Trends, use of the search term “confederate flag” spiked in June 2015, the same month of the Charleston shooting. Use of […]