

COVID-19 targets children as case count hits new highs


On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Ever since then, the U.S. has been reeling with the social, political and emotional toll that the disease has taken. As America has continually mourned over 638,000 deaths, the divisive standpoints on vaccines, lockdowns and masks widen with […]

9/11 story

Two decades later, painful memories of 9/11 attacks ring loudly


Sept. 11, 2001, is a day that will be remembered not just in American history but internationally forever. Considering that terrorists hijacked four passenger jets and proceeded to unleash chaos on the United States, trying to forget such a day is impossible. Twenty years later, the day still brings back […]


The children of 9/11: How young generations remember


Holleigh and Mark Belvardi were in different time zones, countries, and in two completely different situations when the first plane crashed into the North Tower on the once beautiful September day. Holleigh, a five-year-old from southeast Kansas, did her usual routine of riding the bus home at noon after being […]