

Scrap the masks


Two weeks ago was Rape Awareness Week at JBU. As part of the week, Students Against Sex Slavery showed a video with the stories of three rape victims at JBU, as told through the voices of others to protect their privacy. The stories were hard, some brutally so. My heart […]


Hashtags reign


It’s a worldwide trend transcending most every form of social media. A word or phrase prefixed by the number symbol (#) is now an everyday shorthand form of metadata tagging. This “hashtag” phenomenon has acquired a humorous reputation of sorts known most commonly within the realms of Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter […]


Soldiers: rise up!


During my military experience I was taught the “Battle Buddy System.” This system is equally important to Christians in the Body of Christ in order to not leave each other behind, work together to achieve a common goal and further God’s kingdom. I wrote a guide to show others how […]


Your needs


Have you stopped to think about what you really need? Commercials try to get us to buy toothpaste, facial creams, a pair of jeans, cereal, a car and so on. I asked one of my Education classes to write down what they needed. I had responses such as: coffee, fulfilling […]


No more PDA in chapel


On John Brown University’s campus, the word community is thrown around daily. Living life with your friends, brothers and sisters in Christ and your significant others is something that the university promotes, as long as it is done in a healthy and morally respectful manner. In the JBU 2013-2014 Student […]


Crime tells a story


The other day my sister Sharon called to update me on the Martin MacNeill trial, currently all over TV apparently. (I don’t have TV because, if I did, I’d be following murder stories—or watching shows about Tilikum and that trainer with the ponytail and why we shouldn’t keep orcas in […]