

Read for pleasure


You can tell what time of the semester it is by observing the busyness of the library. Students sit slouched over books, their glazed eyes straining to concentrate on and somehow absorb the material staring blandly up into their faces. Coffee fuels the student too drowsy to focus without caffeine. […]


More chapels, please


Changes in this semester’s chapel regimen have left reporters feeling dismayed. Besides an unusually high number of all-worship nights at The Gathering, we have also noticed a distinct lack of additional opportunities for chapel credit. Only two talkback sessions occurred, with Phil and Rici Skei back in September and Tony […]


Seize your college years


When I was asked to write periodically for the Opinions section of the newspaper, my initial thoughts were to write a controversial article about whether leggings were pants or why Mayfield gets handicap points in the basketball dorm competition. Sure, those things would make great press. But, honestly, the last […]


Bullies: Who’s at fault? Martin needs tougher skin


Miami Dolphins’ ninth-year offensive guard Richie Incognito is on suspension and talking heads on sports networks are claiming his career with Miami is over. Second-year offensive tackle Jonathan Martin has left the team, accusing Incognito of bullying via threatening emails and racially charged voicemails. Bullying is an issue that has […]