

University plans new disc golf course


A new disc golf course will be constructed at John Brown University. Disc golf “provides upper and lower body conditioning, aerobic exercise and promotes a combination of physical and mental abilities that allow very little risk of physical injury,” according to the Professional Disc Golf Association. “It is the first […]


Do not excuse athletes from punishment


Professional athletes make a living for themselves by playing a sport. As a professional—whether that be a professional teacher, professor, lawyer or athlete —there are certain standards of ethical responsibility that one must abide by in order to maintain professionalism. Every action and decision requires heavier consequences due to the […]


Louisville basketball banned from postseason


Three years ago, the National College Athletic Association restructured its enforcement division in hopes of creating stronger punishments for schools that choose to engage in illegal activity. Simply stated, if a college or university engages in illegal activity within the athletic department, the NCAA will issue consequences—major consequences. Some of […]


Star quarterback denies substance report


Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a performance-enhancing substance that would give athletes an illegal advantage over their competition. The National Football League banned the usage of HGH in 2011 for all players, but ironically did not start testing for drug until 2014. A report by the television group Al-Jazeera broke […]