war on education

Book banning continues; questions rise


The past few years have proven tough for the world of public education. COVID-19 kept many out of schools, and parents flocked to school board meetings to argue about mask mandates and school closures. Two of the major problems that arose from this increased amount of involvement and questioning was a divisive conversation about what content and curriculum is provided to students, with topics like Critical Race Theory and LGBTQ+ representation making it into the spotlight.

film fest story

“Part of the Kingdom,” JBU cinema major’s film, highlighted in Fayetteville Film Fest


Senior cinema major Makenna Cofer created a short film, “Part of the Kingdom,” that was featured at the 2021 Fayetteville Film Festival. The short film documents the experiences of college students who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community on Christian universities. The film was released in December 2020. The […]