

Protests ensue after police officer’s charges are dropped


The Sacramento District Attorney announced March 2nd that the city would not file charges against police officers responsible for Stephon Clark’s death last March. Anne Marie Schubert, career prosecutor and forensic expert, said in her legal review that officers were justified in fearing for their lives and that they had […]


National trend of increasing anti-Semitism continues with Women’s March


Recent accusations towards Women’s March leaders marked an increasing trend of anti-Semitism across the United States. Tamika Mallory and Carmen Perez, co-chairs of the Women’s March national organization, posted photos on Instagram in 2017 with Louis Farrakhan, leader of the black nationalist group Nation of Islam, according to CNN. During […]


The Venezuela political crisis escalates over the weekend


Once the wealthiest country in Latin America, Venezuela now faces severe food and medicine shortages caused by economic crisis. The economic crisis follows years of what government critics consider severe economic mismanagement and corruption. Supporters of the government blame the plummeting economy on falling oil prices and international sanctions. According […]


Yearbook reveals blackface of Virginian leadership


Two Virginia state politicians received accusations of wearing blackface and another faces accusations of sexual assault, but despite the latest news, none of the three politicians have stepped down. Ralph Northam, the democratic Governor of Virginia, was the first exposed for using blackface. Someone discovered his 1984 medical school yearbook […]


Campus leadership reflects on racial diversity


In examining its history of race relations, John Brown University seeks to promote continued growth of diversity among its faculty and students. The university is currently experiencing a decline in enrollment, with the total number of students having decreased by 20.7 percent from the 2016-2017 school year to this year, […]