

Two of Trump’s associates found guilty of tax evasion


President Donald Trump has been at the center of controversy since the beginning of his campaign, but one of the largest and most controversial issues is his recent dispute with former lawyer Michael Cohen and praise of former campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Cohen and Manafort were both found guilty of […]


Strife in Nicaragua persists as students return to JBU


Nicaraguan students did not have a summer break filled with rest, internships and fun. Instead, they faced protests, arrests and government oppression. There are seven Walton Scholarship students at John Brown University who call Nicaragua their home. Last April, protests and fighting plagued their country which resulted in many deaths […]


Public safety prioritized after recent tournament shooting


The growing trend of public shootings has now affected video game tournaments. On August 26, Electronic Arts held a Madden tournament, EA’s series of football video games, at a video game bar in downtown Jacksonville, Florida. David Katz walked into the bar and opened fire, killing two and wounding nine […]


Reduce, reuse and restyle; using thrifting for good


In 2013, a garment factory called Rana Plaza in Dhaka, Bangladesh collapsed. The factory was constructed with “substandard materials, with a blatant disregard for building codes,” according to the New York Times. Despite knowing the factory was unsafe for garment workers, factory owners urged their employees to continue working in […]


Patriotism and the church: Western values mixing with Christian values


Pastors confront identity versus idolatry during worship services as the influence of national pride seeps into the American church. According to LifeWay Research, a research organization that works with churches to provide relevant insights, assessments and custom research, 53 percent of pastors agree that “our congregation sometimes seems to love […]


I kissed purity culture goodbye: the church’s progression toward a sex-positive gospel


Sitting in the cushioned seat at an annual purity conference, 13-year-old Abby Stewart watched as a cup of pure water sat in the hands of the conference leader. The women passed the water around the room, and each student added dirt, beads and even spit to the glass. As the […]


Rugby player builds bridges and breaks barriers on the pitch


Sports can bring different people together from across many different countries and cultures spanning hemispheres to unite those who would otherwise be distant. The FIFA World Cup is perhaps one of the most prominent examples of people being united through sport. The 2014 World Cup massed a total of 3.2 […]