

As Arkansas lessens restrictions, JBU students receive vaccines during third campus clinic


Last March, students were scattered around the country, taking classes via Zoom from their bedrooms and kitchen tables as John Brown University remained closed due to the coronavirus pandemic. If sophomore Jemi Kapapula could have told herself anything a year ago, it would be to stay strong. “That’s really cheesy, […]


Equality Act may impact private schools like JBU


On Feb. 25 of this year, the Equality Act was passed by the House of Representatives and will move on next to the Senate. This bill, as summarized on, “prohibits discrimination based on sex, sexual orientation, and gender identity in areas including public accommodations and facilities, education, federal funding, […]


Decades of abuse toward children in foster care homes in Panama exposed


Panamanian youth fiercely protested after a Feb. 10 National Assembly of Panama report revealed that more than a dozen government-funded foster care homes covered up years of psychological, physical and sexual abuse towards children and teenagers—perpetrated by their caretakers. The report revealed that in around 14 shelters—under the supervision and […]


JBU administration cites ‘economic factors,’ cuts communication department


Editor’s note (03/25/21): This story has been updated to include Spring 2021 admissions data. Universities across the United States are making serious financial decisions in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Following recent university budget cuts, the JBU administration will close the communication department in May 2022. Jake Stratman, dean […]

Coronavirus Coverage, News

JBU hosts second vaccination clinic, administers Johnson & Johnson vaccine


Faculty, community members and essential student workers received COVID-19 vaccinations on March 10 in a clinic in the Walton Lifetime Health Complex. During the first half of the day, 312 people received their second dose of the Moderna vaccine, and in the latter half, 200 Johnson & Johnson vaccines were […]

News, Uncategorized

President Biden makes policy changes during first month in office


The United States’ 46th president, Joe Biden, has been in office for a little over a month. While only a short time, President Biden has begun to create significant change in American policies through both his executive orders and congressional support. While Biden’s administration continues in some of the traditional […]