Author: admin


Abortion and the Value of Life


“I felt her moving and I couldn’t go through with it. I couldn’t take her life.” The old woman’s eyes teared up as she began to tell the story of her daughter’s controversial birth. As enemies of the state in the communist, third world country of Albania, her family could barely afford the two children they already had, let alone a new baby. The emotional and financial burden of having a child seemed to outweigh any benefit. She was strongly encouraged to set up an appointment to terminate the pregnancy. However, a few days before the procedure, she felt her unborn child’s kick inside of her, and conviction overcame her. She kept the child, who would later become my mother. While my grandmother’s story took place almost fifty years ago, the abortion rights argument is highly controversial because of the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling. My grandmother’s story brings up some of the biggest points in the debate. Someone who supports abortion might ask, “if the fetus is dependent on the mother, why would it be wrong for a mother to prioritize her life and well-being?” Likewise, abortion is the merciful solution if a child would grow up in an adverse environment. While I agree that there are many good points to be made on the mother’s side, abortion is immoral even when a child may inconvenience the mother. Similarly, there is benefit to giving a child the chance to live even if they are born into adversity. This matters because tackling these misconceptions can result in opposing sides making progress and finding common ground in the abortion rights debate.


Brew me a cup: 7 Brew Coffee Welcomed to Siloam


The coffee industry is fast-growing, with around 2.25 billion cups of coffee consumed daily worldwide, and the average American spends roughly $2000 per year on coffee. Recently, however, the drive-through coffee industry has become increasingly popular, with 45% of people using drive-throughs to order coffee as of 2019, according to […]


Just Friends: Finding the balance between attraction and romantic interest


Friendships help shape and mold a person. We gain friendships in two senses: platonic and romantic. The problem with our culture and American media is the skewed understanding of friendship in romantic relationships. In America, there is little to no distinction between finding someone attractive and being romantically interested in […]


Students represent JBU at Arkansas Student Leadership Forum


Six John Brown University students attended the Arkansas Student Leadership Forum from Oct. 21-23 in Little Rock. According to its website, ASLF teaches students life-changing leadership principles shown by Jesus himself and ignores the notion that Jesus is strictly a religious figure. They believe that if students examine traits like […]

name image likeness story

Name, image and likeness: How NCAA athletes could make millions


National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) athletes can make money off merely their name, image and likeness (NIL) after a recent Supreme Court case. Strict NCAA rules used to prohibit college athletes from making money off anything. During his season in 2000, the University of Nebraska starting quarterback Eric Crouch illegally […]