Author: admin


Christianity, Nationalism and Immigration


Looking at the country’s landscape reveals that politics and religion are the most polarized conversations to be discussed. Many Christians continue to question whether Old Testament ideals are still essential to a faithful life. Some lie in silence or active discussion about the ambiguity for subjects like abortion, gay rights […]


Dealing During COVID


“Stealing a moment to experience forbidden goods Knowing that you’re doing something you shouldn’t Glancing furtively around to make sure nobody sees As you absorb the chemicals, unsatisfying, knowing it’s more you’ll need You walk away guilty of the high you’ve just experienced Already planning when you’ll get your next […]


Ministry Builds Communities for Foster Families


Nearly 424,000 children are in the United States’ the foster care system, with over five hundred children in foster homes in Northwest Arkansas alone. However, only 180 families are prepared to properly take care of these children. These devastating statistics negatively illustrate the impact on childrens’ mental health, communication skills […]