Author: admin


Bible major questions Polygamy


One thing I’ve never really thought about is polygamy. We just assume it’s wrong, but never really investigate it. “It’s polygamy, man. It’s gotta be wrong!” But is it? After looking through the Bible, I saw a long line of polygamists: Abraham, Jacob, Esau, David, Gideon –all polygamists. The esteemed […]


Explore outside the bubble


Walking on the John Brown University campus, one can see a large variety of individuals. Everyone is involved in different activities, whether that is sports, writing for the paper or singing in the choir. Students express themselves differently by how they dress and what they say and do. The one […]


Students learn to develop strengths


Since 2008, every student who goes through the Gateway course at John Brown University has been strongly encouraged to take the StrengthsFinder assessment. The 30-minute, computer-based assessment filters people into 34 different strengths-themes or talents and displays a list of each person’s top five. That is only the beginning of […]


Scholarship weekend brings in record number


This past weekend 165 prospective students visited campus to attend John Brown University’s annual Scholarship Weekend. The largest number ever hosted by the University, the two-day event gave a select group of potential students the opportunity to compete for three types of prestigious scholarships. High school students from a variety […]


Honors “Monday Mixers” bring fellow majors together


Honors students sometimes put up their books and come out to play. The Honors Scholars Program is trying a new scheme to bring together students of all years. Trisha Posey, honors director, and the Honors Council devised a project entitled “Monday Mixers” to gather honors students from various departments around […]