Author: admin


Miglarese’s legacy


Coaching at a college is a dream for some people. The competition of collegiate sports, the training of young athletes, the thrill of a win, as well as the sorrow of a hard-fought loss are addicting. These emotions are all part of the competitive nature of a person who loves […]


Putting an end to Mexico’s drug war


Mexico’s drug war has dramatically affected the innocence of the American people ever since the development of their well-organized drug operation. The Mexican Cartel has successfully breached U.S. boarders to supply a hungry American society of drug abusers for years. Despite the many efforts of the U.S. government in aiding […]


Improving the library


At the Threefold Advocate, we realize that research is one of the main things students do. If we do not have the needed resources available, it can be very frustrating and even hurt our grades. Finding those resources can be a headache, using hours of our scarce time. The first […]


A look at gun control


After the tragic massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary in Connecticut, gun control came back to the forefront of political dialogue. Sandy Hook is not the only senseless tragedy that launched this dialogue. Instead, it is simply the latest in a long line of mass shootings going back to the shooting […]


Honors students earn right to present at conference


Eighteen students have received the opportunity to represent John Brown University at the National Conference for Undergraduate Research later this semester. An annual gathering of students from across the country, the conference will be held at the University of Wisconsin on April 11-13. The students will be presenting original research […]