Author: admin


Learning to ask “why?”


Four-year-olds. They can be kind of annoying. They’re always asking “why?” Why is the sky blue? Why can’t I fly? Why does the cut hurt? Each of us was once an annoying four year-old, incessantly curious about every little thing. But something happens between age four and college. Many of […]


Breaking outdoors


Most people make a New Year’s resolution whether it is to lose weight, study better or finally go for that promotion they have been nervous asking for. My resolution is to be more like Graham Hughes. Graham is the man who has seemingly done it all now. He has travelled […]


Honoring MLK Day


Many Americans used their day off Monday to serve others in celebration and recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Meanwhile, the students at John Brown University sat in class. MLK day is nationally recognized as a day to serve your neighbors and communities. King once said, “Life’s most persistent […]


Do you even care?


The fall of 2012 marked a record semester for The Threefold Advocate. And when we say record, we are not talking about readership or number of ‘likes’ on Facebook. Fall of 2012 was a record semester because we received not one single letter to the editor. Looking back on the […]