Author: admin


Committee looks to enrich diversity on campus


The campus diversity committee is currently looking to bring a greater understanding of diversity onto the John Brown University campus. Currently, the University has 51 Hispanic students, 26 African-American students, 13 Native American Students and nine Asian or Pacific Islander students out of the total 1,317 undergraduate students on campus. […]


Adventures abroad


I am sure you’ve all noticed that there is something different about JBU this semester. Walking to class feels a bit emptier. The Caf seems slightly less vibrant. Sitting on the quad brings a little less fulfillment—I’m looking at you, granolas. Well, I’m here to identify this mystery void. This […]


Middle school students mean big business


Lemonade stands, bake sales or selling popcorn for Boy Scouts are some typical ways aspiring young entrepreneurs begin their business experiences. Not these Northwest Arkansas middle school students, though, thanks to the World Trade Expo project, created by the Enactus team at John Brown University. The project exists “to nurture […]


J. Alvin renovation plans seek residents’ feedback


John Brown University’s one men-only dorm is getting something decidingly unmanly and something decidingly overdue: A makeover. Eric Gingerich, J. Alvin residence director, and Andre Broquard, dean of students, were on hand for the unveiling of preliminary plans to renovate J. Alvin Dorm on Monday night. Architects presented plans and […]


Pulitzer winner found success through energy and determination


“Is the story good?” asked Glenn Proctor, entrepreneur and executive editor of Lake Norman Publications. He was speaking to sophomore Laura Roller, copy editor and staff writer for the Threefold. “I think it is, but—” “No. Is the story good?” After a moment of hesitation, Roller said, “Yes.” Direct questions […]