Author: admin


Tensions escalate between Pakistani and Indian powers


The decades-long quarrel between Pakistan and India over the Kashmir region escalated after recent military action led to the possession of nuclear weapons for both countries. The current iteration of the Pakistan and India conflict began on Feb. 14 with a terrorist attack on an Indian convoy in Indian-controlled Kashmir. […]


Protests ensue after police officer’s charges are dropped


The Sacramento District Attorney announced March 2nd that the city would not file charges against police officers responsible for Stephon Clark’s death last March. Anne Marie Schubert, career prosecutor and forensic expert, said in her legal review that officers were justified in fearing for their lives and that they had […]


Loving them well


Some people never get to love their grandparents before they are gone. My maternal grandma passed away before I even existed. A graceful, intelligent woman with words like honey and truth in her intentions, she died of cancer in 1996. I hear stories of her and see reflections of her […]


The Venezuela political crisis escalates over the weekend


Once the wealthiest country in Latin America, Venezuela now faces severe food and medicine shortages caused by economic crisis. The economic crisis follows years of what government critics consider severe economic mismanagement and corruption. Supporters of the government blame the plummeting economy on falling oil prices and international sanctions. According […]


Letter to the editor


To the editor, I was startled and perplexed to read in the Feb. 21 issue of the Threefold (“Campus leadership reflects on the history of racial diversity”) that “minority students began attending JBU in 1971.” I can only imagine that this news would also have been baffling to Richard Funai […]


Nine numbers take over JBU


Head, Heart and Hand, one of the historic mottos of John Brown University, is the core of a popular personality test that has become the newest addiction of JBU students’. The Enneagram Test, which has a base of head, heart and gut, originated in South America and became well known […]