Author: admin


Women used as war tactic


At a bus station in Nigeria last Tuesday, 10 people were killed and 30 were injured by a female suicide bomber who was allegedly associated with Boko Haram. Boko Haram is an Islamic extremist group that the United States recognizes as a terrorist organization in Nigeria. Boko Haram is most […]


U.S. debates military action


Congress is currently debating whether to authorize military action against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, known as both ISIL and ISIS, is a terrorist organization so extreme that even al-Qaida has denied association with them, according to the Guardian. They have killed […]


Latin chapel band transitions


John Brown University’s Latin chapel band has transitioned into becoming the international chapel band. This new band will play in chapel for the first time today, Thursday Feb. 26. Helder Julio Orozco, a Guatemalan sophomore international business major and singer who co-leads the international band, said the change was his […]


Porn hurts everyone


Pornography: the forbidden word. In my experience growing up in a Christian home, I almost never heard it mentioned. If it was, it was quickly stepped around and soon forgotten. Growing up, my parents did an excellent job protecting my sister and me from what was and was not appropriate […]


An intercultural blessing


Coming to John Brown University has been the most amazing experience of my life. Living in Costa Rica was different. Friends were different, my daily routine was different and especially my worldview and culture were different. Coming to live and study in a new country changes many aspects of anyone’s […]