Author: admin


Did you know?


We have been blessed with some great creations and yet often don’t know who to thank for them. Here are some examples: Nutella/Ferrero Rocher/Kinder chocolates Bet you didn’t know that the same family who created Nutella also brought us Ferrero Rocher and the line of Kinder chocolates. Pietro Ferrero, a […]


Observing Lent


Students, faculty and staff around the campus of John Brown University are in the midst of observing the season of Lent. By giving up one or more daily habits for 40 days, one can focus on his or her personal faith. Here are some things people on campus are denying […]


Obama debates arming Ukraine


As tensions continue in Ukraine after more than a year of revolution and Russian involvement, President Barack Obama is considering many courses of action, including sending lethal defensive arms to Ukraine. Ukraine has experienced political difficulties for some time. Former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych, seen by many Ukrainians as the […]


3-D printer saves lives


3-D printing, a process that just a decade ago belonged in the science fiction genre, is now taking its place in the science community as a common way to create customized tools and even save lives. Another life was saved on Feb. 16 as, “A two-year-old girl born with a […]