Author: admin


Letter to the Editor


The first rule of civil public discourse: don’t compare people to Nazis. The recent article on the front page about the proposed legislation separating the holidays honoring Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert E. Lee contained a quote comparing the joint holiday to honoring “Nazis Germany day on the […]


Remembering Olivia Singleton


Two years. I’ve never heard the saying, “it feels like yesterday”, ring so true… until now. I remember everything so clear. I remember laughing with her and watching “Friends” with her while we worked out. We had a system that would help us workout longer; “Friends” distracted us from the […]


Student play revives classic tale


As the lights illuminated the stage and the actors scurried to their places, the audience anticipated something inspiring. This semester’s play, Pride and Prejudice, hopes to rewrite how we know this classic story. Each semester, John Brown University’s drama department puts on a play or musical. Students transform themselves into […]


Branching out: The inspiration behind Ability Tree


People often view disability as an inconvenience, but for Joe Butler, it is a full-time ministry. Joe Butler centers his entire profession in ministering to disabled individuals through Ability Tree, a non-profit organization he founded in June, 2010. For Butler, a ministry to serve the disabled was something that had […]


Admin assistant critical for department


Administrative assistants are the little-known workers that keep each department at John Brown University running smoothly. Not many students are aware of the work that goes on in their professors’ offices outside of the classroom, nor are they aware of the personnel involved. Administrative assistants help professors with everything—from budgeting […]


Bible-based clothing line seeks broader audience


Several years ago, while co-instructing for an Entrepreneurship college class, I began looking into the Christian clothing industry. This was, in part, due to wanting to purchase clothing for myself, but I also believed that it was part of God’s plan more than anything. After researching, experimenting and making a […]