Author: admin


Athletes contribute to community


All JBU athletic teams participate in The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics’ program called Champions of Character. The program strives to “change the culture of sport,” as stated the Champions of Character website. Last school year, this program was revamped to include a new reward system. Schools can earn classifications […]


Inspiration in photographs


John Brown University’s art gallery welcomes photographer Tim Ernst’s showing of “Arkansas Wilderness: A Rare Quality of Light.” Opening night was Jan. 20 and will continue until Feb. 13. The gallery showcases Ernst’ ability to play with light in capturing Arkansas’ beauty. I had the privilege to attend the opening […]


Vaccines for children: Parents should choose lifesaving treatment


In the year 2000, measles was eradicated from the Unites States. The highly contagious respiratory disease, spread through the air, used to claim the lives of hundreds, sometimes thousands, each year in the U.S. Nearly every child experienced it at some point in their lives, and some developed deadly complications. […]