Author: admin


Student captures life behind the smiles


Soft music played, hugs exchanged, and smiles graced the faces of John Brown University students who had the opportunity to view Erika Forney’s senior photography exhibition. Opening-night students stood in anticipation lining the entirety of John Brown’s Windgate Visual Arts East. Forney’s showcase titled, “Your Story Matters” on Jan. 19, […]


Extended open dorm policy accepted


Last semester the Student Government Association (SGA) researched and proposed a change in John Brown University’s open dorm policy. Their project is now a reality. Beginning this semester, open dorm hours have been extended to start at 6 p.m. instead of 7 p.m. According to SGA President Brad Johnson, this […]


Paris attack shakes students


The editors at Charlie Hebdo did not see it coming. During a regulatory editorial meeting on Wednesday Jan. 7, two men entered the room and opened fire. The two men shouted in Arabic, “We have avenged the Prophet Muhammad! God is great!” The shooters, Cherif and Said Kouachi, drove away, […]


Speaker challenges students to think global


Rudy Carrasco holds many titles; from writer, minister, Hispanic Scholarship Funds Hall of Fame holder, to community developer. Partners Worldwide associate, Carrasco, discussed how to combat poverty and shared his own personal journey with John Brown University at chapel this previous Thursday. Carrasco works with Partners Worldwide to plant businesses […]


University president promotes campaign


The Berry Performing Arts Center was abuzz with reporters, Northwest Arkansas residents, professors, students and John Brown University board members. As the house lights dimmed, the voice of JBU’s founder, John E. Brown, Sr., filled the room, describing the university’s mission from 1919. Now, nearly 100 years later, John Brown’s […]