Author: admin


Measuring the cost with the reward: Graduate school pays off with experience despite debt


Millennials are defined as the generation born between 1981 and 2004. Only about half of the millennial generation has been alive long enough to graduate from college. Though statistics show that college is paying off, a Pew Research study on the economic value of college degrees said, “On virtually every […]


Ebola spreads, U.S. continues preventative action


An estimated 8,000 total cases of infection and a resulting 4,450 deaths make 2014’s Ebola outbreak the most deadly ever. The outbreak’s magnitude leaves many with concerns, and various news outlets have capitalized on the inherent fear associated, overstating the risk of treating American Ebola patients in Dallas, Texas and […]


Women lead ranks in biblical Great Commission


Nearly two-thirds of missionaries are female, according to “Women in Mission,” an essay in the Perspectives Reader on the World Christian Movement. This statistic seems counter-intuitive to some, but since the Civil War, women, especially unmarried women, have dominated the mission field. The essay suggests that women began flocking to […]


Athlete finds outlet after injury


Senior Whitney Brannan hasn’t followed the usual path of college athletics. Brannan transferred from Oral Roberts University and joined the Golden Eagles as a junior, hoping to continue in college soccer. Brannan maintained a competitive presence as a midfielder throughout her junior year here at JBU, registering 37 shots on […]