Author: admin


Ministries merge to expand vision


The great commission, to make disciples of all nations, is known and practiced by Christians all over the world. John Brown University’s newest ministry, Antioch has been created to accomplish and embody this mission. Beginning this year, CAUSE ministries E-Van and Partners in Prayer, combined to create Antioch. The ministry […]


Soccer lights up the field


Yellow and blue helium balloons swept the sky after the newly installed soccer lights were turned on for the first men’s soccer home game of the season. The University Administration wanted the lights to generate buzz, and they achieved that goal. Not only were John Brown University students, faculty, alumni […]


What are the Op-Eds?


Welcome to the Op-Ed section of the Threefold Advocate, a diverse and engaging beacon of free speech. You may be wondering what exactly this section of the newspaper is for, or maybe you do not even know there is a difference between the pages you are currently reading and the […]


JBU mythbusters


Myth 1: Everyone at JBU is a Christian. “While most students at JBU claim to be Christians, approximately 3 to 5 percent claim another faith or no faith at all,” said Rod Reed, University chaplain. That’s right: as many as one in every twenty students does not lay claim to […]